Learn Data Science With Me
One of the reasons I wanted to start this site, and the corresponding YouTube channel, is to help others learn data science. The field of data science is relatively young, and the demand for students, employees, and researchers with robust skills in data science is rapidly outpacing the supply. If you are curious about why data science is so important, check out this blog post. If you are interested to learn, follow along with me in the projects on this page.
Please note this is still a work in progress and I will add content as quickly as I can.
National AI Campus Spring 2023 Cohort
During the spring semester of 2023, I helped host a cohort of National AI Campus- a unique online program that provides foundational skills training in artificial intelligence and machine learning. This repository and video series features three labs and includes guides, beginner level, and intermediate level Python notebooks with video walk-throughs.
2022 Women in Data Datathon
In 2022, I participated in the Women in Data Datathon. I was matched with a team of awesome women from around the world, and the challenge was to investigate topics related to women's equality in the workplace. In this project and three-part video series, I will walk you through some of the data analysis that we performed, including some comparison of techniques in Excel and Python.